
Tootsie Roll Tuesday 2021-17

 For the Love of DOG!

Truly, the things we do for love.  To show love, to receive love...the things we do for love.  And what I wouldn't do for my little pug love, Tootsie Roll.  I have always sung to and for her.  I am not a great singer, but Tootsie doesn't care or probably even know the difference.  I sing to Tootsie when we are driving in the car, often changing to words to incorporate her name.  I sing to her when I get home from school in the afternoon - it let's me release a little stress from the workday and allows for a break from the silent home that Tootsie, Lucille, Monkey & Pawncha were alone in during the workday.  And because Tootsie cannot hear anymore I sing softly into her little pug ear every morning - it brings a deep sigh of comfort to both of us.  Our advice for today...let go, sing a little, make yourself feel happy, and share that joy with your pets! 

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