Remembrance... As we prepare to bring in summer and to pay tribute to those who have died serving our country; TootsUncommon would like to remember some of its lost ones...Today, our thoughts and memories go out to Tita and Flaca - two wonderful kitties who passed a few years back. I got Tita from the Humane Society to keep another dog I had company while I was away at work! They never really became great friends but that did not matter because they both were really good friends to me!! Little Miss Flaca followed me and said dog home one evening on a late night walk. She lived on our deck for awhile, eating our food, and then decided we were good enough to live with. You know, I can't remember if our current animals know Tita or Flaca and that is just fine...time passes, but the important memories remain. Like how Tita got in a fight with a new neighborhood "rental" cat and literally had a hole in her head from the fight! When we let her out of the crate with her lamp shade on she ran for the basement stairs and fell down them and did not come out for the rest of the evening! Or Flaca's shades of pink fur...she was BEAUTIFUL! And, when she found us, she was flaca...skinny...once she discovered that the food from our house did not disappear, she never stopped eating it! WE LOVE YOU TITA AND FLACA!!
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