
Pet Checkers...

...Hot on the Heels of Last Night's Debate!  Every Presidential candidate to take the White House has had some kind of pet according to: 

Now if Tootsie Roll could be his First Lady, she would be voting a straight Doug the Pug ticket!  And as cute as it might sound to say I am biPUGtisan; Tootsie Roll is really a political agnostic...we prefer the Urban Dictionary's definition of this term: 

And being the most amazing, adorable, admirable...you get the point...pet ever Tootsie Roll decided to do some Presidential Pet Checking on the next Presidential and Vice Presidential Pets of the United States.

Hillary Clinton has three dogs and the family has had many pets throughout their lives: 

Hillary's long political career is also filled with many animal related highlights that tend to get left out of the big debates:

Tim Kaine has an adopted terrier mix from the Richmond SPCA and received praise from them for his compassion and kindness towards animals.  

Donald Trump either has a labrador named Spinee according to some sources while other do not confirm this fact.  And his animal advocacy record is somewhat suspect:

Mike Pence has a dog and two cats and like his running mate has a rather spotty record when it comes to animals.  

To see the full picture of these pet checkers facts Tootsie Roll has shared with you it would be a great idea to click on some of the links included in the Pet Perspective article and read the facts for yourself.  There is plenty of information out there on the candidates, their pets and their advocacy records; but Tootsie Roll found that this link echoed much of what she found in other sources.  

One things is for certain, November 8 will be one interesting day so this pug needs to get her rest! 

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