
A Business Model Based on the Philosophy of Language

What is meaning?  How does language refer to the real world?  Is language learned or is it innate?  How does the meaning of a sentence emerge out of its parts?  These are all questions posed when studying the philosophy of language. 

TootsUncommon considers the Medieval period to be the most interesting when it comes to the philosophy of language.  During this time period, those who contemplated the philosophy of language were most interested in the subtleties of language and the use of language; aspects on which some of the TootsUncommon business model are founded.  For TootsUncommon the business is more of a creative outlet right now as all involved still have other jobs that occupy 40+ hours of each week.  For me the creativity involved in naming products and writing the product description are pure enjoyment and I rely on word play with all of them...even our name, TootsUncommon, is a play on words.  What will I ponder when our business is about to "hit it big"?  This very aspect of our business model - the play on words.  Is it creativity that is lost on a larger public that is not interested in taking the time to "get" these word plays?  If so, how do I change this focus I so much enjoy and at what "price"?  Don't get me wrong, I would love to get that lucky break and see the TootsUncommon label plastered all over the internet and in all the big pet supply stores; but right now I am still to "attached" to my creative touch.  Will I be able to let that go for the greater good?  Well, that is a whole other branch of philosophy we will continue to study and present later on!

 The Medieval period also explored ambiguities and vagueness in language, the interpretation of a specific term in a given context, and the study of putting words and terms in to categories - knowledge which all business owners rely on today - especially in our world of technology and social media!

We understand language better by studying its nature, meaning, intention, reference, and composition.  Want to learn more to build the philosophy of language into your business model?  Read more on the Philosophy of Language at:

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