
Symmetry...Harmonious Proportion vs. Patterned Self-Similarity?

...When it comes to the TootsUncommon household we are talking Harmonious Proportions!


...and Patterned Self-Similarity!

A two-dimensional analysis of limb symmetry in the trot of Labrador retrievers.


Sixteen sound Labrador retriever and Labrador retriever cross-breed adult dogs were evaluated for symmetry while in a trot gait using a two-dimensional motion analysis system. Reflective markers were placed at selected joint centers. Each dog had the right side and then the left side videotaped while in the trot gait. The markers on the videotape were then digitized for analysis. There was no significant difference (p less than 0.05) between the movements of the two sides. It was concluded that the trot gait is symmetrical and that a two-dimensional system can be used to analyze gait in the dog.

Symmetry is important to us and without Hell Betty Kitty we were asymmetrical.  This afternoon we made a trip to the Humane Society and adopted a new kitty!  The Pug Blog will introduce you to the new little one tomorrow!

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