
Partners in Crime

Things are progressing with the new kitty addition to our home.  Pawncha Kitty is still a little "hissy" with the new little one, but that is to be expected.  We have not decided on a final name for that new little one quite yet...She is currently going by Francis Monkey Cola...AKA Francis Ford Coppola!  But, we are liking the regained symmetry of the household....we all need a partner in crime, right?!  

Now, did know that there are some 11 animals that mate for life?  Yep...a few of them are birds, some mammals, an insect or two and even a worm...read more and see some cool pics at:

love birds
Love Birds

And here is a link that lists 12 animals that mate for life...hmm...

Of course there is the opposite end of the spectrum in the animal kingdom...which is about 90% of it, that is rather creative and promiscuous in their physical relationships.  Take for example the Bonobos Monkies....This YouTube clip is possibly X rated for kids...just an fyi... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82GUjPConiE

Get more of the risky details on the "Real Swingers" of the animal kingdom at:

Well, why you enjoy the spicy details of this Pug Blog, Tootsie Roll and I will work on some pics of our symmetrical relationships...No, we are not going to get physical... and hopefully get some out to the Pug Blog soon; along with a name for our new addition!  

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