
It's Bittersweet....

This widespread woodland owl dozes by day on a well-hidden perch but seldom relies on its good camouflage to avoid harm. Instead, it flies away at the least disturbance, seldom tolerating close approach. But where foot traffic is heavy, such as along boardwalks in southern swamps, the barred owl may sit tight and provide good views at close range. It hunts mainly from a perch but will also hunt on the wing, preying on small mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. It prefers to nest in a natural tree hollow, but it will also use an abandoned stick nest of another species.

Map: Barred owl range
Purple Color Represents Year Round Range of the Barred Owl

The Barred Owl’s hooting call, “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all?” is a classic sound of old forests and treed swamps. But this attractive owl, with soulful brown eyes and brown-and-white-striped plumage, can also pass completely unnoticed as it flies noiselessly through the dense canopy or snoozes on a tree limb.

Barred Owl Photo

You can probably guess where we have been going with this owl stuff, right?  Yeah, still no Hell Betty Kitty.  Well, as much as that cat loved to hunt; it sure would be bittersweet if the tails were turned a few Friday nights ago when Hell Betty disappeared.  Until she comes sauntering through the backyard, that is what we are going to believe...I don't think she would have had it any other way....And here is some convincing evidence...

Big appetite: Swooping in, an owl is caught wide-eyed clutching a domestic cat in its talons as seen in this photo taken in Minnesota
The astonishing moment an owl snatched up a full-grown cat for a 'light' meal
In the famous poem by Edward Lear the owl and the pussy cat marry and dance by the light of the moon.  http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/171941
But as this amazing photo shows, the love and affection expressed by the pair in their beautiful pea green boat does not extend to the battle of survival in the wilds of Minnesota.
This brazen barred owl is pictured grabbing the hapless domestic cat after swooping out of the darkness in a surprise attack.

Read the full story at:
Make believe: Seated in a row boat, poem The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear contrast a friendly pair of newly weds basking in the light of the moon

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