

...and not yet found.  If you read my Pug Blog you know I LUV MY PETS!  Our dogs and cats are well-behaved, liked by others, and well-taken care of.  We are a symmetrical family of two humans, two dogs, and two cats...   Well, at least until Friday night!  After dinner with some friends, they came back over to enjoy a drink and Hell Betty Kitty took advantage of a slow move to close the back door and made her way into the night...  Not uncommon for Betty.  She is an indoor/outdoor kitty.  And I know I said our pets are well-taken care of...the risks of letting Betty be an indoor/outdoor cat are understood; and for whatever reasons, we are/were willing to take the risks.

Well, it is now Monday night and Betty has not been home or been seen by anyone in the neighborhood.  We have put out our flyers, visited the local vets, and double checked that her chip information was up-to-date...still no Betty.  It's an odd feeling.  We have never lost a pet before and not knowing why she has not returned brings up a whole lot of hard to deal with feelings.  We miss her and our symmetrical ways and would really love to see her climbing over the chain link fence in the back yard on her way to the back door to come in for some food, drink, and a warm/soft kitty curler from which to watch the birdies feed.  

Will she come back?  We only know that if she could, she would have been back home Saturday. If she comes back home will we let her continue to be that indoor/outdoor cat?  Maybe a harsh upcoming winter could help make the decision for us.  I do know that Hell Betty is super happy when she is outside lounging and being all independent.  I also know that the symmetrical family is happiest when she is home and safe with all of us.  I guess we will leave it to destiny to see what happens.  We simply have to know that destiny has the best wishes for Betty in mind...whatever those wishes might be. 

 Te extrano, Betty y espero verte pronto!  Besitos!

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